Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Clamidia is a bacteria. Symptoms can appear one to three weeks after exposure. early symptoms are discharge from the penis and vagina or painful urination. If untreated it, in women it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, and in men epididymitis or in the long run have fertility problems. This disease is also known as the silent disease. In Some cases symptoms do not show up so its hard to identify, that can be really scary. You can get clamidia from intercourse, oral and anal sex. The only 100% way to not contract clamidia is NOT HAVING SEX, or using laytex condoms. You can get tested for it at planned parent hood or a health care provider. Doctors usually do a swab test. The good thing is clamidia can be treated and cured with antibiotics. So just be safe and aware :]

1 comment:

  1. as well as using condoms, knowing your partners sexual history is important. who they have had sex with and if they used protection. also know if they get checked for std's between parters and at the very least once a year since they have been sexually active. :)
